Business philosophy:
a) first-class talent - through strict access, corporate training, human resources self-study, and actively introduce, and elimination of a combination of talent strategy to enable enterprises to achieve "first-class talent."
b) first-class products - through active development, good quality control to ensure performance, beneficial use, easy maintenance, beautiful appearance of the product development strategy to enable enterprises to achieve "first-class products."
c) first-class service - through timely, convenient, warm, professional, considerate, respect for contracts, commitments of the service strategy to enable enterprises to achieve "first-class service."
d) first-class benefits - first real benefit, first-class long-term benefits, social class, first-class enterprise efficiency.
e) first-class treatment - first-class salary, excellent benefits, first-class spirit of the treatment.
External image concept:
a) Professional - through training, professional quality business practices.
b) Standard - is in accordance with standard business practices.
c) order - according to the procedures, disciplined business practices.
d) Solidarity - collaborate with each other, work together to conduct business.
e) progress - progress, competitive business practices.
f) happiness - happiness itself, infecting others business practices.
Internal image of the concept:
a) bear responsibility - corporate employees must be dedicated, personal interests be subordinated to business interests.
b) cooperation - the performance in good human relations and the collective spirit of collaboration.
c) consultations - allowing workers to participate in business management, do not use the command form of the use of consultation in the form.
d) Competition - a competition, there is innovation, there is a strong, competitive teams dare to have a chance to win in the competition.
e) exchange - both business leaders and frequent exchanges of workers, allowing workers to better understand business practices, thereby reducing errors.
f) confidence - confidence to do the job and improve efficiency.
g) team spirit - as a family enterprise, in which each employee is a member, we work together, enterprises can survive in the fierce competition, and access to long-term development.
Adhere to eight principles:
a) the system must have principles.
b) Price must have a bottom line.
c) little use to see results, Dayong see character.
d) not use verbal commitment.
e) policy always to the good tilt.
f) power must be supervised.
g) must have standards.
h) personnel from: the iron discipline, job matching, character, quality, learning and strong.